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Here's a list of prestigious grants that are awarded to Chinese researchers every year. This list includes a special grant for researchers who have studied in the UK and…
Funding available for Chinese scholars
One of the most basic and important aspects of a research paper is the title. Writing the a research paper title may seem a simple task, but it requires some serious…
3 Basic tips on writing a good research paper title
Addressing peer reviewer comments is a daunting task for even the most experienced authors. Sometimes peer reviewers write long-winded comments, which make it difficult…
Do's and don'ts for responding to peer reviewers' comments
This article discusses a few pairs of English word that non-English-speaking authors often mix up and use incorrectly.
A vocabulary lesson for writing better research papers
Been looking for answers to your questions about the journal peer review process? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers to them.
Although the impact factor is the oldest and, arguably, the most widely used citation metric, it has lost some of its former glory. In recent years, the impact factor…
Is impact factor everything?
Choosing a research question is clearly the first and most basic step to achieving publication success and advancing your career as a researcher. Read on for detailed…
How to choose a research question
Traditional metrics for measuring scholarly impact, such as the impact factor of the journal, h-index, etc., are familiar to all researchers. But although still very…
Can new measures of research impact replace the impact factor?
Research papers go through a long and thorough process of peer review so that the published papers are free of errors and mistakes. Despite this, sometimes some errors…
Is the journal retraction rate rising?
There are many books on the topic of scientific and research writing, but most researchers hardly have the time to delve into such books. If only there was something…