

The landscape of scientific research is fast changing, with the emergence of new global players and upcoming trends that transcend geographical boundaries and reinforce…
From 'Brain drain' to 'Brain circulation': Global trends in international collaboration and researcher mobility
Where is the scholarly community headed with open access publishing and how sustainable is its economic model? Open access advocate and former President of the Open…
Understanding open access publishing and its chances for sustainability
As the scholarly publishing community looks forward to dealing with new developments and emerging trends, researchers the world over brace themselves to better manage…
What are your publication goals for 2016?
Duncan MacRae, Senior Publisher of the journal Medicine published by Wolters Kluwer, played a major role in transitioning the journal from a subscription-based model to…
Tips for journal editors transitioning to open access and the role of mega-journals in the publishing landscape
The stereotypical view of a nurse is a person who tends the sick, injured, or infirm. However, I have realized that there is much more to the role of gastroenterology…
The expanding role of gastrointestinal nurses—from nursing to professional healthcare
On December 8, publishing giant Elsevier announced the launch of a new metric CiteScore, a set of metrics that measure the quality of academic journals. At a time when…
Elsevier announces the launch of a new metric CiteScore
In this segment of a three-part interview series, Dr. Irene Hames—an independent research-publication and peer-review specialist with over 30 years’ experience in…
Keeping the scholarly record sound - a journal editor's duty
Without doubt, all eyes in the academic publishing industry are on the Asia-pacific region now. And this is not surprising, as over the last few years, this region has…
Japan’s changing position in global science
In this post, Dr. Goldman discusses how a journal editor identifies potential peer reviewers for a submitted paper and the reasons for delay at this stage of editorial…
More delays in peer review: Finding reviewers willing to contribute
"Many journals are not only seeing more problems, the cases also seem to be becoming more complex." Dr. Hames discusses how current ethical issues across the…