
News & Trends

The pressure to publish is immense; the pressure to publish in high-impact journals, even more so for any young researcher trying to establish a successful research…
Journal editors and authors are the key players in academic publishing. Do authors face mistreatment at the hands of editors? Or do editors face more challenges while…
Dr. Tida Ge holds a BSc in Soil and Plant Nutrition from Huazhong Agricultural University, China; an MSc in Crop Cultivation and Farming from Qingdao Agricultural…
In this part of our video interview, Dr. John Willinsky talks about the inequity of access to research in certain parts of the world and how digital publishing and open…
Today, computers are used in pretty much every field of scientific research. Computers are ubiquitous in our personal lives as well, and it's hard to imagine a time when…
Over 60 German academic institutions have annulled their subscription contract with Dutch publishing giant Elsevier, which will leave thousands of researchers without…
Researchers facing challenges with funding and infrastructure may stand to learn from the region's recent events.
The election of the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as the President of the United States has sparked strong reactions among academics. How would science…
Dr. Klaus Capelle is president of the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Brazil. He earned his master´s and doctoral degrees from the School of Physics and Astronomy at…
Asia is one of the powerhouses of global research and development performance, and the Republic of Korea has emerged as one of the leading Asian nations in terms of…