
Researchers and Their Stories

I had to cancel my wedding because of COVID-19. My PI and institution’s unrealistic expectations only added to my troubles. I now keep myself motivated by thinking about…
  • Guest Author
  • May 26, 2020
After confirming my pregnancy, the first thing I did was to disclose it to my lab supervisor and colleagues. The reason was simple. I am a scientist who conducts…
I was exhausted, sleep deprived, and often depressed, but I finished my research and made all the amendments requested by my supervisor. Finally, I submitted my research…
I am a researcher from an ordinary public university in South Brazil. For many of you who follow the news, this simple information speaks for itself. My colleagues and I…
Because I was experiencing mild flu-like symptoms, I started self-isolating 2 weeks before official restrictions were introduced. My productivity was impacted, but I…
In the meantime, life had of course not stopped elsewhere. My landlord back in Nigeria persistently messaged to inform me that he had sold the building where I was…
When I first left for university, I realized, by no choice of mine, that I am gay. It was a long, tough road to accept this about myself, but I am gay and I am here and…
  • Guest Author
  • April 27, 2020
I started having fevers, fatigue, and shortness of breath. I called a doctor and they informed me that I may or may not have COVID-19, but since my symptoms would be…
My supervisor has been reading and criticizing the statement of the problem for the past session and a half. Whenever I ask him for feedback, he give me his usual…
  • Guest Author
  • April 9, 2020
At the time that I was trying to pursue my Bachelor’s degree, I was married, had a baby, and my bills and mortgage payments that had fallen way behind. I then went…