
Manuscript Writing

Research question is the foundation of any research paper and it ought to be good. Lindsay, a  doctorate in Medical microbiology and infectious disease is here with her…
Watch our editor Tiffany Leonard talk about being sensitive to individuals and bias-free in text.
In this video by Editage, a highly experienced and senior neuroscience editor shares tried and tested tips for creating the perfect title for your research paper.
This video talks about some of the best tools to make your systematic literature process fast and accurate. The speaker of the video is Karel Patrek, who has a D. Phil…
This video talks about the pivotal role images play in conveying scientific discoveries, while also addressing the ethical pitfalls that can arise.
Dive into the dynamic realm of research methodologies with this video on prospective and retrospective study designs. The video explores the nuances that distinguish…
In this video, learn how to create the perfect abstract for your research paper and strike the perfect balance between brevity and information, and capture the essence…