Q&A with Editage: How to prepare a high-quality academic poster
Humans tend to retain information when presented through audio-visual mediums. Creating academic posters that are clutter-free, clear, look complete, and easily comprehensible is crucial to attract your readers. Having a few tips and tricks up your sleeves will only help you make the scientific leap you aim to.
In this video, Editage brings to you the best tips on creating high-quality academic posters so that you may share your research using the best visuals.
The first and foremost point is to keep things catchy. Keep it short. The reader should be able to make out what your research is about just by looking at the academic poster for a few seconds. Attractive graphics and figures, text not exceeding 800 words, and bullet points can make the information in your academic posters easy to consume and retain.
Watch this video to learn more about the best fonts, colors, and other visual techniques to make your academic poster stand out!
You can always consult our experts at Editage for professional support for preparing academic posters at https://bit.ly/3DToIL4.
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