The Editage formatting service

As an author looking to get published in reputed international journals, you’re probably familiar with the cumbersome task of following the journal’s author guidelines and ensuring that every detail is taken care of. Indeed, this task is even more difficult when the guidelines themselves are difficult to understand or follow.
With this in mind, Editage has been offering formatting as a standard part of the editing service ever since it was started.
So, what does your editor do in the Manuscript formatting service? He goes through all the author guidelines and understands how to make the crucial changes related to display (e.g., line spacing or margins), style (e.g., how to type out citations and references), and language (e.g., limits on abstract or paper length). He uses his knowledge of the in-built functions of Microsoft Word—still the preferred format for several international journals—to ensure that these guidelines are implemented exactly in the manner that the journal would like to see them. Finally, he follows the style- and language-related guidelines while editing the paper.
Here are some tips when writing a paper or sending it to us for formatting:
1. Before you start writing the paper, visit the journal website and check whether the journal has provided a template. When you use the template, a majority of the guidelines are followed automatically.
2. Check whether the journal has page or word limits for the paper—this way, you can decide what content to exclude/retain while writing the paper, rather than making content changes after editing.
3. Before you prepare figures or graphs, check the journal’s artwork guidelines. While Editage does offer a separate artwork service that includes formatting/modification of figures, you can save significant time and cost by preparing the appropriate figures beforehand.
4. Mention the journal name and the website URL while submitting your paper. This allows the editor to find the right guidelines for your target journal, as we do occasionally find multiple journals with the same name.
Do take advantage of our formatting service to save crucial time and energy in the submission process!
Published on: Jan 14, 2014
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