Two years of an exciting journey in bringing together researchers across the world

Editage Insights celebrated its second anniversary this November! We’ve grown by leaps and bounds and I’m excited to share our experience so far and give you a glimpse of what’s coming up.
Our mission was clear and simple — to give authors and journals globally a holistic platform on which to share and receive information about all aspects of academic publishing. More significantly, we wanted to reach out to researchers in their own language. So we launched Editage Insights in English in November 2013 and then sequentially in Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean within a few months.
Editage Insights currently receives about 95,000 visitors from around 200 countries per month, and our most popular article—How to write an effective title and abstract and choose appropriate keywords—stands at 231,787 views to date.
Earlier this year, we launched special features for registered users, allowing them to save content to their library, receive content recommendations as per their preferences, and get free advice from the Editage Insights team. About 1100 readers have signed up for these benefits so far. If you haven’t yet, you’re missing out! So register now; it’s FREE!
Supporting our core editorial team, we have several guest contributors—industry experts who care deeply about academic publishing and are excited to share their knowledge and ideas with the world. I can’t thank them enough for their valuable contributions! We’ve published just over 1000 pieces of original content, including articles, videos and slideshare presentations, interviews, Q&A pieces, and—a new format that researchers are finding very useful—infographics! Here are a few of our readers’ all-time favorite pieces:
- 3 Basic tips on writing a good research paper title
- Answers to questions all researchers have about the journal decision-making process
- How to make your paper more accessible through self-archiving
- 5 easy tips to avoid accidental plagiarism
- The need for public engagement
- Is your research viral yet? Researchers and social media
- A vision to transform the research ecosystem: Interview with Dr. Laurel Haak, ORCID
- Peer review-worthy papers, journal decision making, and more: Interview with Dr. Helle V. Goldman, Polar Research
- Everybody faces manuscript rejection, even a Nobel Laureate: Interview with Sir Tim Hunt. Nobel Laureate
- What is the meaning of "decision in process" status?
- How long should I wait for a response from the journal?
- What are the first things journal editors look at in a submission package?
- 8 Reasons why journals reject manuscripts
- 12 Tips to help you choose the right journal for your paper
- 10 Things you must consider before submitting your manuscript
We’ve found Editage Insights mentioned and our content cited and reproduced by several publishers, journals, and academic websites, and I’m honored that our work is making a difference to researchers globally. While it seems like we’ve come a long way, we have no time to rest on our laurels. We have our work cut out for us while we try to make Editage Insights a more engaging and exciting experience for all our readers. You can look forward to a smarter interface, more interactive features, customized newsletters, and ever-richer content.
You, our readers, make Editage Insights the global community it is. We couldn’t have done this without you! We thank you for your support and seek your comments and feedback to help us serve you better.
Published on: Nov 27, 2015
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