Q: What are possible questions for a qualitative research on online classes?

Detailed Question -

The answers need to be: Yes, No, and Maybe.

1 Answer to this question

Your question wasn’t entirely clear. So, we have edited some parts of it. From what we understand, you are conducting a qualitative study on a topic related to online classes and you wish to know the questions you can include in the questionnaire so that the answers will be the options of Yes, No, and Maybe.

A few points here. Firstly, you haven’t mentioned your exact topic. Presently, it’s the broad area of ‘online classes’ rather than something specific, which it needs to be. Once the focus of the research is clearer (by arriving at a specific topic), developing the questions will be easier too. For the same reason, you would be the best person to come up with the questions, as you would/should know your topic the best. Of course, you can have a senior or supervisor guiding you and reviewing your work as needed. From our side, you may go through the following resources related to quali research and developing questionnaires that can help you get started.

​​​​​​​For further assistance, you may also learn about our related service here: Editage Experimental Design

Hope that helps. All the best for your questionnaire and research!