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Most authors like to have their work reviewed before submission. Some may request their department head or a colleague to review their manuscript, whereas others may…
With new open access journals entering the publication space every day, all with highly varied article-processing charges, how do you determine whether you’re really…
The Nature Publishing Group released The Nature Publishing Index 2012, China, in May, 2013. This index is based on papers published in the prestigious Nature group of…
Is China becoming the global leader in scientific research and publishing?
Funding is indeed a big problem for scientists these days. Increased competition coupled with diminishing federal research has made it very difficult for university…
New strategies to obtain funding
Today, science is progressing rapidly and new findings come to light every day. In such a scenario, replication studies could prove to be an important part of scientific…
Why are replication studies so rarely published?
When writing a paper, always acknowledge all sources clearly and avoid copying other authors’ words verbatim. Failure to do so could lead to loss of tenure/funding and…
What do you think about this proposal? Will anonymity eliminate bias? Or do you think it is important for author identity to be disclosed in grant applications? 
Should grant applications be made anonymous?
A conflict of interest arises whenever there is any potential bias that could affect a researcher’s work. Avoid post-publication headaches by disclosing all conflicts of…
Conflicts of interest
Journals will not publish your paper if your study involves human subjects and you have not obtained informed consent.
Informed consent
In the highly competitive world of academic publishing, authorship related problems are insreasing, with authors not getting credit for their work, disagreements between…