

What happens when a journal credits someone else for an article instead of the actual author? Such production errors can occur at the time of publication. But what is…
This post, co-authored by Sylwia B. Ufnalska and Arjan K.S. Polderman, drafts a list of golden rules for editors.
For many young researchers Nobel Laureates are like celebrities who can only be emulated from a distance. Every year, the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings give about 500…
Professor Minako Konno is a professor at the Department of Sociology (Division of Global Sciences), Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Japan. She began her career…
Editage, a leader in English-language editing and publication support services, is pleased to announce the release of a new Author Services website in partnership with…
On June 26, Clarivate Analytics released the highly anticipated 2018 Journal Citation Reports (JCR).  According to the press release, the latest edition “incorporates…
Knowing a bit about journal publishing helps authors to see their contribution in a context since authors are affected by the policies adopted by publishers of journals. 
Despite substantial investments in R&D, Japanese research output is not yielding the returns expected. In addition to having to dealing with a hierarchical…
Michelle Belanger is a general physician who has an experience of over 6 years in academic research, medical writing, and reviewing.
Editage and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) have announced the start of a partnership  that will provide discounted English-language editing services…