
Industry News

Hindawi Publishing Corporation announced its decision of ending its membership in the STM Association citing "STM’s overwhelming focus on protecting business models of…
The CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing technology is inching closer towards clinical trials with the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) approving a proposal to use it in…
The controversial Human Brain Project (HBP) has secured funding from the European Commission, the executive body of the European Union, for the next three years that…
Axios Review, an independent non-profit peer review service announced that the company plans to shut down and, effective immediately, they will stop accepting further…
Editage announced the launch of Ada, an Automated Document Assessment solution specifically designed to assess scientific content in research papers. Ada automatically…
The recipients of 2016 Lasker Awards, one of the most prestigious prizes in medicine, were announced by Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation on 13 September. This year, the…
The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology has made available the results of the first five studies it attempted to replicate, and their report has taken the world of…
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is organizing a free seminar Good Researcher’s Guide to Publishing, which aims at providing guidance and support to…
Amgen, an American multinational biopharmaceutical company headquartered in California, announced in a press release that it will publish three studies that failed to…
As authors, you are at the center of the academic publishing system. What according to you needs change about academic publishing? Take this survey to let us know:…