
Industry News

Since two years, a German consortium called Project DEAL has been negotiating with a few major publishers to create a new licensing agreement for Elsevier’s entire…
Editage, a leader in English-language editing and publication, has partnered with Knowledge E, a provider of research and publishing services, to provide manuscript…
Editage Insights is attending the 2017 Peer Review Congress and this is a report of some of the sessions from the third day of the conference. The sessions presented…
Editage Insights attended the 2017 Peer Review Congress and this is a report of the poster sessions from the last two days of the conference. The posters were…
Editage Insights is attending the 2017 Peer Review Congress and this is a report of some of the sessions from the second day of the conference. In the studies presented…
Editage Insights is attending the 2017 Peer Review Congress and this is a report  of the first day of the conferece. In the studies presented by various groups during…
Norway becomes the latest country to cancel its Elsevier subscription, leaving thousands of scientists without access to the publisher’s newest articles, while the…
On December 30, the US-based International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), announced that the claims of discovery of elements 113, 115, 117, and 118 were…
The Breakthrough Prize, the largest award in sciences, honored 14 pioneering scientists in the fields of fundamental physics, life sciences, and mathematics with $3…
Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal and Campaign for Accountability accused Google of “paying academics to publish research favorable to the company’s policy and…