
Manuscript Writing

Many biomedical problems require intricate, multifaceted models. Bayesian statistics can handle these complexities seamlessly, allowing you to create models that reflect…
This blogpost breaks down Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) and explores why it's becoming a game-changer for biomedical researchers.
Journal guidelines are super important when it comes to submission. This post talks in detail about their importance, typical guidelines and ensure your paper follows…
Read this blogpost to understand what Bayesian Neural Network is, its advantages, and challenges.
A handy guide to Bayesian Neural Networks for biomedical researchers
Plagiarism occurs when an individual intentionally or unintentionally uses someone else’s work (text, images, music, videos, data, etc.) and does not give attribution. …
In this blogpost, we've examined how machine learning benefits various aspects of clinical trial management, from planning the study to overseeing participants and…
Efficient, cost-effective, and patient-centered: How machine learning can transform the way we conduct clinical trials
As figures are visual in nature, making them accessible means meeting the needs of users with visual impairments. Those who use scientific figures, including paper…
How to make your figures accessible
How does one navigate International collaborations in academia? Here is the second part of a 2-part series on overcoming geographical and language challenges in…
In this post, we look at how common word choices can help or hinder your impact, and how to handle clichés in your writing.
Groundbreaking, not irritating: Choosing words to show research impact
In research, English has probably helped break down barriers more than it has divided people, but the predominance of English is not an unalloyed good. The expectation…