5 Things you should do before sending your manuscript to a scientific editing service

Getting your research manuscript published in an international peer-reviewed journal is considered to be an indication of your success as a researcher. The fact that only a few of the manuscripts submitted to journals get accepted for publication makes journal acceptance a big deal. In order to be part of the few that make it to publication, you must ensure that your manuscript makes a positive impression on journal editors and reviewers.
You could seek the help of professional scientific editing services to prepare a polished, publication-ready manuscript that conveys your research clearly and effectively. However, to ensure that the scientific editing service provider is able to focus on improving the overall quality of your paper, follow these tips before sending your manuscript for editing:
1. Write a title yourself
The title of a manuscript is the most basic and important aspect of a research paper, which is often the most difficult to write. Often, authors leave the task of creating a title to the scientific editing service provider. However, as the author you are best qualified to choose an appropriate manuscript title. Your title should mention what your paper is about as well as indicate the significance of your study. An effective title can influence the retrieval index of your manuscript and influence the citations it receives. Therefore, choose a title for your manuscript yourself instead of leaving it to a scientific editing service provider. A professional editor can help you improve the title of your paper before journal submission, by checking it for impact or language. Read this article for quick tips on creating a manuscript title.
2. Write your own abstract
The abstract might be the only section a reader will read before deciding to go through your entire manuscript. If your abstract is impressive, your whole manuscript will definitely be read. The most common mistake authors make is that of spending very little time preparing the abstract or assigning this task to scientific editing service provider at the last minute. A skilled scientific editor can certainly polish your abstract or help you meet word-count restrictions, but it is not the editor’s job to write it on your behalf. An editor who receives a manuscript with a clear abstract can do a much better job editing it than one who does not. Learn how you can make your abstract more effective.
3. Structure your manuscript well
Poor structure is one of the most common reasons for manuscript rejection. Prepare a basic structure before you begin writing your manuscript. Outline the sections and the flow of ideas and information within them. If you are able to present your ideas in a structured manner, it will be easier for a scientific editor to understand your intent and help you elevate your manuscript to a new level. Read this article to know more about how you can convey your most important ideas through your manuscript.
4. Ensure data accuracy
Data collection is an inherent part of scientific research and scientific research manuscripts invariably include data in the form of tables, figures, graphs, or other statistics. Before submitting your manuscript to a scientific editing service provider, ensure that your data is accurate and complete.
5. Proofread thoroughly
Fix spelling mistakes, delete extra spaces, ensure consistency in font styles, eliminate grammatical inaccuracies, and check your references/citations and other formatting inconsistencies. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that a scientific editor is able to spend quality time on your manuscript.
In the competitive publication sphere, developing an effective manuscript that will be accepted for publication in an international English-language journal is a challenging task. Seeking the help of a professional scientific editing service provider will help you improve the overall quality of your manuscript, ensure that it meets native-level English, and increase your chances of acceptance. However, sending the best possible copy to a scientific editing service provider will ensure that your manuscript receives the attention it deserves before you submit it to the journal of your choice.
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Published on: Oct 31, 2014
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