
News & Trends

English language journals are rapidly being launched in China by Chinese universities and publishers, according to The Publishers Association’s new report PA Market…
Did you know that in 2018, around 3 million articles were published? That the accessibility to content is now at its record high today? The scholarly communication…
Sci-Hub, the site that provides free access to pirated academic papers, hit a bumpy road last year when it was ordered to pay damages worth $15 million to Elsevier and…
Here, I share some personal observations and thoughts while attending the Eighth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication in Chicago, which…
Unhappy with the way science is being governed in the country, Chilean researchers resorted to street protests and published an open letter that criticized the…
The Netherlands’ largest research funding agency, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), has announced the launch of a €3 million grants programme…
A recent study suggests that the first author of a paper must be held accountable if evidence of misconduct is found in the paper. Academics argue this approach may not…
With more than 2.5 million new research articles published annually, it has become increasingly important to find ways to make research findings stand out. Universities…
A recently published paper titled “Trends and comparison of female first authorship in high impact medical journals: observational study (1994-2014)” reported that…
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) announced that it has delisted about 3,300 titles in order to ensure that questionable and inactive publishers do not find…