Q: Can I submit a work based on a famous deep learning model to an IEEE journal?

Detailed Question -

I am a researcher working in deep learning and image processing. I wish to publish my work in IEEE Signal Processing Letters. I am proposing a work based on one of the famous deep learning methods. I am planning on comparing it with other deep learning models (based on the results). Is there any possibility that it will get accepted by that journal in particular?

1 Answer to this question

Hello. We understand this is the same query as this previous one, but with some additional inputs.

In that case, your apprehension over acceptance may be somewhat understandable. You may be worried that when comparing this famous model with others, the famous model may not stand up to the test (in case that’s what your research is about), causing the reviewers to see your paper in a negative light.

If that’s indeed the case, again, you needn’t worry. There are many examples in science/research about an old, established theory getting disproved by a newer, stronger theory in the future. In fact, this may actually cause the editor and reviewers to consider your paper – out of sheer interest in what you have to say about new models vis-à-vis this old one.

So, go ahead, but again, keeping in mind all the points from our previous response. :-)