Q: Can you help me with the various parts of my research proposal?
Detailed Question -
How do I write the expected results for my research proposal? My topic is 'Career and technical education impact on high school students beyond high school.' [I would also like help with] getting the qualitative and quantitative data and [with] the methodology section.
1 Answer to this question
We have quite a few resources on our forum/site to help you with the various parts of your proposal you need help with. We have linked a few below to help you get started. For more, you may look up the forum/site using the relevant keywords.
- How to write the expected results and discussion in a research proposal?
- How do I write the methods section of a research proposal?
- What is the best method for data collection if I am researching the relationship between the use of technology and academic performance?
Hope that helps. All the best for your proposal and then the research!
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