Q: Can you please guide me about the Research Plan Schedule?

Detailed Question -

I am stuck. What kind of things need to be added in the above-mentioned statement?

1 Answer to this question

Hi Rama – Welcome to the forum! Getting to your query straight away, explaining a research plan would involve providing a lot of details, which would take up considerable time and space. So, we’ll talk about it in short, and then, provide a link that you could refer to for more details.

Planning and then scheduling your research involves breaking down your broader research actions into smaller tasks, estimating and allocating a certain amount of time to each, and then tracking the plan to see whether you are on target or not, and therefore, what changes you need to make.

Let’s say, literature review and surveys/questionnaires are a couple of items in your plan. For the literature review, for instance, you may have to determine how many articles you will read up and how much time you will complete this task in. The same with surveys: how many individuals you will reach out to and how long this is likely to take.

It helps to track your plan in a matrix format such as a spreadsheet or even some project management software if you are undertaking a bigger study.

You will find more details of working out a research plan in this external resource.

For some of the points mentioned in the above document, such as how to come up with a hypothesis, how to write a title, and how to write an abstract, you may look through our site.

For now, we are including some relevant links here for you to get started.

Hope that helps. And all the best for your planning and the actual research!