Cell journal: Quick facts and submission tips

Aims and Scope |
Cell publishes findings of unusual significance in any area of experimental biology, including but not limited to cell biology, molecular biology, neuroscience, immunology, virology and microbiology, cancer, human genetics, systems biology, signaling, and disease. |
Publisher |
Cell Press |
Frequency of Publication |
Biweekly |
Editor-in-Chief |
Criteria for publication
Detailed guidelines about article formats can be found under Research Article Formats.
Editorial policies and submission guidelines
- Authors need to submit their papers through the Elsevier Online System.
- Cell has several policies with respect to authorship criteria, conflicts of interest declaration, and human and animal participation.
Please find them here: http://www.cell.com/cell/authors#policies. - Manuscript transfer policy: Cell Press has developed a manuscript transfer policy designed to provide maximal flexibility, efficiency, and control for the authors. If a paper is reviewed and rejected at one Cell Press journal, the Editor of that journal can, upon the author's request, make the reviews and reviewer identities available to the Editor of another Cell Press journal. Authors interested in pursuing this option should email the Editor of the second Cell Press journal directly.

Good publishing practices
- Cell restricts papers to 55,000 characters including spaces and seven figures and/or tables.
- For new gene sequences, protein sequences, structures, or microarray data, include database accession numbers.
- Be sure to explain statistical methods and provide sufficient details on procedures in the Experimental Procedures section.
- For figures that display pooled data, define the measures in the figure legend.
- Use Editorial Manager to submit your final materials and include all of the following:
- A modifiable electronic version of the final text (Microsoft Word .docx file is preferred)
- High-resolution digital files of figures in specific formats as instructed in the digital figure guidelines
- Supplemental Information formatted and provided according to the Supplemental Information guidelines
- Files for additional Supplemental Information such as movies or spreadsheets
- A conflict of interest form with your signature
- A brief paragraph (100 words) describing the context and significance of the findings, to be used for e-mail alerts
- Cover letter
Impact and rating
- 31.957 (2012 Journal Citation Reports)
- #1 overall in the category of highest-impact journals, all fields (Sciencewatch)
Published on: Apr 30, 2014
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