China is increasingly launching English journals, a report says

English language journals are rapidly being launched in China by Chinese universities and publishers, according The Publishers Association’s new report PA Market Report China Journals. The report released on 24 August states that the Chinese journal market, which is worth around 24 billion yuan, is expanding rapidly with the addition of new English journals. “New English journals are springing up like mushrooms,” state Chu Xiaoying (Vice General Manager of Charlesworth China) and Professor Paul Richardson (an international publishing consultant and educator) who have authored the report.
China has slowly been inching towards becoming one of the key players in global science. The country generates around 20% of all research papers published worldwide, second only to the US (approximately 23%). While most of the journals published in China are in the native language, the report observes that China is attempting to gain international readership and have a global impact by publishing in English. Therefore, apart from launching English journals, the journals that publish in Chinese are translating certain papers into English and including abstracts in English.
Most of the new English journals belong to the science, technology, and medicine (STM) fields and many have succeeded in having a high global impact. The report states that 185 of these journals were included in the 2016 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report, which lists the world’s most cited journals. Moreover, the authors observe that with the government supporting Chinese publishers and the Chinese publishers’ improved understanding of the publishing business, more number of Chinese English-language journals can be expected. They add that “China seems certain to be one of the most exciting and important markets for specialist publishing in the 21st century.”
China launching increasing number of journals in English
Growing Chinese journals market 'too big to ignore', PA report says
Published on: Aug 25, 2016
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