Clarivate Analytics releases the 2017 Journal Citation Reports

Last week, Clarivate Analytics released the much anticipated 2017 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), which includes information about highly cited peer-reviewed publications. A combination of impact and influence metrics as well as citation data from the Web of Science (a comprehensive network of citations of over 33,000 journals) forms the basis of the JCR assessment. JCR is also the source of Journal Impact Factor (JIF) scores, which are based on the number of times an average article is cited during the previous two years.
The 2017 JCR release is a representation of the citation data for publications in the sciences and social sciences in the year 2016. As per Clarivate Analytics’ press release, these are some highlights:
- The report includes 11,459 journal listings in 236 disciplines, with 81 countries represented.
- Of the featured journals, 132 received their first JIF report.
- 66% of the journals were noted to have a consistent increase in their JIF over the years, while 33% saw a decrease in their JIF.
- The journal with the highest JIF percentile score is Quarterly Journal of Economics with a score of 99.856, while Lancet Global Health is at the top of journals with 99.699, which is the highest open access JIF percentile.
- The category with the highest increase in aggregate JIF score is Robotics.
JCR is accessible on InCites, an integrated web-based platform based on the data from the Web of Science. Clarivate Analytics’ press release mentions that institutions that wish to evaluate the impact of their faculty’s publications can make use of JCR Journal Impact Factor Quartile metrics, which will be added to InCites Benchmarking & Analytics.
Related reading:
Interview with David Pendlebury, citation analyst at Clarivate Analystics: Misuse of bibliometric analysis shifts scientists' focus from their research to pursuing scores
Thomson Reuters releases the 2016 Journal Citation Reports
The impact of the impact factor in a changing academic world
Published on: Jun 21, 2017
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