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A dissertation or thesis defense is difficult at the best of times. But what happens when you have to defend your research online during a global pandemic? Here are the…

Deciding the order of authors on a paper

In my earlier post on authorship, I had discussed ICME guidelines that help researchers in deciding whether a contributor qualifies to be an author or not.

Santa Cruz Biotechnology, a large biotech company and a major antibody provider, has been fined $3.5-million by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) for violating…

It remains early days for my online teaching. I am constantly trying to find new ways of doing things, modifying my approach as I go, and…

This online course titled Avoid Retractions: Publish Ethically is an effort to provide guided learning on ethics in a simple and systematic manner allowing participants to learn at their own pace…

An author took the assistance of Editage for the editing and submission of his manuscript. We edited and formatted the manuscript as per the journal guidelines, but…

The U.S. Patent Office issued a patent titled “Online peer review system and method” to the leading academic publisher Elsevier, which has evoked strong reactions from the advocates of open access…

Success in academia is increasingly tied to public engagement, and scientists have to engage with the media to promote their research and explain its significance to the public. This online…

Today, being an academic brings with it the added responsibility of promoting your research in order to generate and demonstrate impact. This post explains how you…

Researchers tend to form close-knit communities with other researchers in their specific areas of study. Breaking into these closed communities and getting noticed can…