Hidden Markov Models: A Handy Tool for Pattern Recognition

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are extensively used in biomedical research for analyzing various types of sequential data, including DNA sequences, protein sequences, and biological pathways. Here…

The thesis statement: A guide to get you started on how to write a Thesis Statement

In this article, we'll explore what exactly is a thesis statement, and how can you craft one that does justice to your research proposal or thesis and conveys the intended message clearly.

Brown wooden gavel on brown wooden table

Plagiarizing is often resorted to because it saves time and effort, and many are not even aware that plagiarizing is a violation of ethics. Here we give some examples of plagiarism and…

7 Key considerations to craft a perfect patent application

Here we give you some ideas on how to unlock the total value of your intellectual property and propel your research endeavors to new heights with 7 key considerations for a perfect patent…

The IP Tightrope: Balancing Intellectual Property Development and the UN SDGs

While the connection between IP and attaining the SDGs is not obvious, IP deserves some attention for its role in development efforts. Here, I make a case for IP as a vital tool for meeting the UN…

Two people looking down and holding laptops

Mounting concerns have led to a surge in efforts to fortify research integrity. Here we review the measures being taken by various stakeholders, including government agencies, academic…

Understanding sampling methods: Non-probability vs probability sampling

Sampling methods play a significant role in ensuring the representativeness and reliability of our findings. Two main…

Unrecognizable woman holding the paw of a dog

Conducting research experiments on animals is time-consuming, expensive, and often ends up wasting lives. With the advent…

Understanding sensitivity analysis and its applications in biomedical research

This blog post delves into what sensitivity analysis entails, its applications, advantages, and potential limitations in the context of biomedical research.

Strategies for overcoming funding constraints and thriving in research

Should funding constraints limit your research? In this post, you will learn different ways to overcome hurdles to secure funding and even identify offbeat ways to increase your and your lab’s…