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One of Editage’s senior experts is here with some proven tips on how to avoid, reduce and overcome plagiarism in a research paper.

Contributing to the science of nursing helps advance the nursing profession and improve patient outcomes. Essential to this success is encouragement of and support for ethical health research and…

Should plagiarism lead to retraction in all circumstances?

Plagiarism is often one of the commonly cited reasons behind retraction of scientific papers. However, should plagiarism in any form necessarily result in journal…

Six ways to avoid plagiarism in research papers

Following this brief explanation of what plagiarism is – essentially, ‘borrowing’ pieces of text published elsewhere and incorporating them into your article without any indication that you have…

A rise in academic misconduct over the past few years have made editors and reviewers extra vigilant. However, this can sometimes backfire, as revealed in this case…

As a preventive measure against plagiarism and instances of fake peer reviews, DNA and Cell Biology will impose a 3-year ban on any author who submits plagiarized…