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Everything you need to know to write a winning abstract for your research paper

The abstract is one of the most important and compelling components of a research paper. This post will explain the purpose of abstracts and how to write one.a

The ICMJE recommendations on AI: Advice for authors and peer reviewers

The ICMJE has put together guidelines and principles regarding the use of AI in conducting and reporting research. Let’s dive into the key recommendations in this article. 

Strategies to reach a wider audience using plain-language summaries

Learn in depth how to write plain-language summaries and know more about the strategies you can use to write them. 

Paper mills and the erosion of research credibility: Researchers beware

This piece aims to raise awareness about paper mills, tracing its origins and modus operandi, and bringing to light the red flags researchers should be wary of.

Demystifying deductive reasoning: A guide with practical examples

This article explains what deductive reasoning is including its definition and examples.

How museums shape research and public perception: International Museum Day

This article explores how museums shape research and public perception on the occasion of International Museum Day

6 Personal stories of researchers whose resilience is inspiring

In this post are stories of the often-unseen struggles that researchers face while pursuing their goals, which will not only inspire us, but also give us hope.

Implicit Bias: the snake in the grass of the research ecosystem

Addressing implicit requires deliberate efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in research practices. Researchers can engage in cultural competency training, collaborate with diverse…

The Null Hypothesis: What researchers often get wrong

If you heavily rely on conventional (frequentist) statistical tests like t-tests or ANOVAs in your research, it’s important to understand the principles behind the null hypothesis and NHST.…

Celebrating innovations in care: How nurses propel evidence-based medicine

We celebrate the dedication and tireless efforts that ensure that the future of healthcare is evidence-based and patient-focused. Let's continue supporting and promoting the critical role of…