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The theme of Peer Review Week 2016 was "Recognize Review," and the global scholarly publishing community got together to talk about recognizing or incentivizing peer…

Ever wondered what happens to your manuscript once it is submitted to a journal? Does the fate of your paper depend solely on peer review? What are the stages your…

Scientific writing is all about clarity and precision. Using the right vocabulary is critical to writing an effective scientific manuscript. This SlideShare provides a quick overview of some words…

A scientific manuscript should be clear, objective, and bias-free. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that authors are aware of the nuances of words related to…

Before submitting your manuscript to a journal, you have to take care of many things - from checking the IMRaD structure to following all of the submission…

Science is ever evolving, and replication studies and negative findings play a major role in helping science grow. But journals are not always open to publishing these…

As a researcher, you are expected to start publishing early in your career. But original research could take years to complete! This does not mean that you cannot…

A survey has shown that there is a gap in understanding between authors and journal editors. These slides show how journal editors can provide authors with accurate…

Original research articles constitute a major portion of academic journal publishing. These slides will help you with four important steps of writing an original…

2015 was a busy year for the academic publishing world, with many trend-setting practices, significant discoveries, and innovations. During the year, we spoke to…