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In this video, we'll guide you through structuring your ideas logically, emphasizing the significance of subsections, in order to enhance the impact of your research.

Take a look at our video on cultivating an inclusive and sensitive tone in academic writing.

In this video, learn how to create the perfect abstract for your research paper and strike the perfect balance between brevity and information, and capture the essence of your research while…

This video talks about the pivotal role images play in conveying scientific discoveries, while also addressing the ethical pitfalls that can arise.

Sharing data in an open repository increases a study’s transparency, allowing other researchers to validate and reproduce the findings. As a result, open access to datasets promotes scientific…

Watch our editor Tiffany Leonard talk about being sensitive to individuals and bias-free in text.

Academic editor Denise Mager talks about how she decides what statistical test to conduct.

In this video you will learn about what to include in the literature review of your research paper.

Join us on YouTube to watch Dr. Jacob Wickham's webinar on identifying research gaps for innovation, and embark on a path of exploration, discovery, and scientific excellence.

In this third and the last segment of a video series, Prof. Shinwari talks about what he believes will be important factors that will shape research careers in the future.