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If you are a peer reviewer or a journal editor, you must be sending out feedback to authors regularly. Did you know that, often, authors feel demotivated when they…

The Chicago Manual of Style is commonly used by authors writing academic manuscripts as it contains detailed guidelines on various aspects of writing as well as…

Dr. Donald Samulack, President US Operations, Editage, Cactus Communications, in conversation with Dr. Anne Woods, Chief Nursing Officer at WKH, and Shawn Kennedy,…

Part two of the conversation between Dr. Donald Samulack, President US Operations, Editage, Cactus Communications, in conversation with Dr. Anne Woods, Chief Nursing…

Part three of the conversation between Dr. Donald Samulack, President US Operations, Editage, Cactus Communications, in conversation with Dr. Anne Woods, Chief Nursing…

Part four of the conversation between Dr. Donald Samulack, President US Operations, Editage, Cactus Communications, in conversation with Dr. Anne Woods, Chief Nursing…

This is the final segment of the conversation between Dr. Donald Samulack, President US Operations, Editage, Cactus Communications, in conversation with Dr. Anne Woods…

Not only should your research paper title be attractive but it should also capture the essence of your research. Watch this video to learn how you can create the…

In March 2017, Nobuko Miyairi, who is the former Regional Director for Asia Pacific region at ORCID visited the Editage office in Mumbai, India. This is a conversation…

Who will win the 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics? Watch the live announcement now!