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Most of the manuscripts I review reflect high quality science
Dr. Erin Reardon prefers to describe her career as a “work-in-progress” because learning, she believes, is a lifelong process. She has over 4 years of experience in academia and 11 published papers…
"Stay focused on why you want to publish your manuscript."
After obtaining a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 1999, Yurii Chinenov joined one of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) laboratories as a postdoc. The…
We are here to help you through the publication process.
Shivanee Shah comes from a family of medical doctors. As such, the natural career course was to choose the science/biology field. However, Shivanee broke the tradition and chose to pursue a career in…
My goal is to make sure your manuscript is ready to go!
After Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Biology, Lavanya Rajgopalan obtained a Ph.D. in Biophysics/Biochemistry in 2005, and proceeded to post-doctoral training and a full-time faculty appointment…
Dr. Helle V. Goldman is the Chief Editor of Polar Research. She shares the importance of polar science, how to avoid mistakes during a journal submission, and what to consider when choosing a journal.
Dr. Helle V. Goldman discusses what kind of papers are immediately eliminated, how closely she works with her peer reviewers, and how difference in opinions between reviewers is handled.
Denmark-born, American anthropologist Dr. Helle V. Goldman shares insights from her 16-year experience as Chief Editor of Polar Research. She talks candidly about what kind of papers are immediately…
Interview with Jing Duan, Managing Editor
Jing Duan, PhD, was the Managing Editor of Acta Ecologica Sinica (International Journal) and Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. Since 2011, she started representing the Ecological Society of China…
Dr. Sun Huh continues to discuss science editing in Korea in the second part of this interview by introducing important resources for science editors of Korean journals. Dr. Huh is also Chair for the…
Understanding open access publishing and its chances for sustainability
Where is the scholarly community headed with open access publishing and how sustainable is its economic model? Open access advocate and former President of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers…
"Science is global; so is WAME." President of the World Association of Medical Editors, Dr. Lorraine Ferris, discusses the important role world-renowned WAME plays to raise medical editing standards…