Editage conducts a workshop in CAS on 'Structuring your manuscript to impress SCI journal editors'

On 2nd November, 2018, Editage Training Academy conducted a workshop on ‘Structuring your manuscript to impress SCI journal editors’ in Chinese Academy Sciences Institute, Heilongjiang Province, China.
A large part of the session was dedicated to understanding how to structure an original research article into the IMRaD format: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. This was then followed by a brief and interactive Q&A session. With over 100 attendees, primarily researchers, the workshop was a great way to guide researchers to target top international journals. Prof. Yang Gan covered a variety of topics such as spotting common errors, structuring the various sections of the article, and addressing your research question more effectively.
Editage workshop at the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Editage aims to conduct many such workshops in the future to focus on writing a clear title, an informative abstract, and improving the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Combining their unique author perspective and over 16 years of expertise in delivering education solutions for researchers, Editage has launched a Training Academy that focuses on coaching researchers on all aspects of the publication process.
This content belongs to the Manuscript Writing Stage
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