Editage partners with Chinese Laser Press (CLP) to offer pre-submission editing and language services

May 28, 2015 (Shanghai, China) - Editage, a leader in English-language editing and publication support services, and Chinese Laser Press (CLP), the most influential optics journal publishing organization in China, have announced the start of a partnership that will provide discounted English-language editing services to authors submitting to the CLP portfolio of journals.
Speaking of the partnership, Yang Lei, General Manager at CLP, said, “It is a great thing to collaborate with Editage and do some things for Chinese authors. Editage and Chinese Laser Press are both companies with high reputation, and I believe our collaboration will provide Chinese authors higher quality service.”
This partnership allows authors submitting to any journal published by CLP to benefit from high-quality language editing by subject experts in optics. Through the co-branded site, Editage will offer discounted manuscript-editing services to CLP authors to ensure the correct use of English, enabling authors to craft well-written manuscripts for submission to the CLP journal of their choice. This will be of particular use to those for whom English is not a first language.
Ashutosh Ghildiyal, Senior Manager, Strategic Alliances at Editage, commented, “Editage, as a global author Services Company is committed to help Chinese authors prepare a well-written manuscript. We are proud to be associated with Chinese Laser Press, and through this partnership we aim to help them get closer to their authors through our suite of high quality editorial and educational services.”
About Chinese Laser Press (CLP)
Chinese Laser Press (CLP) was established in 2009 with the key business objective of publishing academic journals and hosting conferences on optics and photonics. As the most influential optics journal publishing organization in China, CLP currently runs 6 academic journals. CLP and the Optical Society (OSA) established a partnership for the distribution of Chinese Optics Letters (SCIE indexed) in 2005, and are jointly publishing the open access journal Photonics Research (SCIE indexed). In collaboration with Cambridge University Press, CLP has been publishing the open access journal High Power Laser Science and Engineering since 2013. Apart from these three English journals, the three Chinese journals published by CLP—Acta Optica Sinica, Chinese Journal of Lasers, and Laser & Optoelectronics Progress—also enjoy high reputation and impact in the Chinese optics community.
Visit the Chinese Laser Press (CLP) site:
Visit the Editage - CLP co-branded site:
Published on: Jun 09, 2015
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