Q: How to write a problem statement for a research paper?
Dear Kakoli I'm an MPHIL student in Agribusiness management and I want to write a thesis on "Rural farmers are poor in Northern Ghana" and I think I need some assistance with framing the topic to make it suitable and also with the problem statement.
Thank you
Thank you for your query. The topic "Rural farmers are poor in Northern Ghana" is too broad. If you plan to investigate why the Ghanaian farmers are poor, a clearer and a more specific title is required; for example: "Reasons behind the poverty of farmers in Ghana" or "Understanding the dynamics of poverty among farmers in Ghana." However, these are just examples. You would be the best person to judge the appropriateness of the topic that you plan to work on.
A statement of problem defines the cause that your research is working towards. It highlights a knowledge gap or gap between the actual state and the ideal state. Since your research will focus on the poverty of Ghanaian farmers, you could begin with an introductory statement explaining that the economy of Ghana is reliant on farmers. You could then explain what the ideal situation should be like, that is, since Ghanaian farmers primarily support the economy, they should be financially sound (explain what this entails: access to food, clothing, clean water, sanitation, health services, education, housing, etc.) Then explain what the real situation is: What kind of poverty they face, what facilities/necessities they are deprived of. Then compare the two situations and explain what the proposed research aims to do. For example, the proposed research aims to investigate the causes behind this discrepancy and aims to come up with a solution as to how the financial condition of the farmers can be improved.
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This content belongs to the Conducting Research Stage