Q: How do I write an engaging background of the study for my topic?
My topic is ‘Bioremediation / Metagenomics of oil sludge-impacted coastal biotope biopiled with bacterized amendment.’ I want my study background to be engaging, even while I state why the topic is important, historical development that led to the topic, main developments, identification of the main gaps that need to be addressed, and a lot more.
You seem to know the details you wish to include. Now, there are some principles that go into writing the study background and making it engaging for readers. To know more, you may go through these resources:
- 8 Dos and 8 don'ts of writing an engaging study background
- How can I make the background of my study engaging?
- How to write an engaging background of the study for your research paper [Course]
Here are some additional pointers.
- The background and, in fact, the Introduction has to provide the ‘why’ of your study – why you are conducting this study. So, talk about what in your literature review or what in your field of study led you to taking up this topic. For instance, if your concern is around coastal water pollution, its impact, and therefore, the need for finding a remedy, you could talk about that.
- It also helps to weave some sort of story or narrative that links up the various sections of the paper, smoothly leading from one to the other.
- You could also think of the paper from your potential reader’s perspective – what would interest them in your paper, in other words, ‘What’s in it for me’ (WIIFM) – and write accordingly.
- From a presentation or structural perspective, if needed, you may break up the background into sub-sections or paras, each revolving around one key point you want to discuss.
- You may also want to think about how the background and Introduction connect to the title and abstract, as those are usually the first elements of a paper that readers go through (before deciding to read the rest of the paper).
- For reference and inspiration, you may consider looking at other interesting papers around the topic or in your field, to be able to present your study as interestingly as them.
Hope that helps. All the best for your study!
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