How publishers, universities, and organizations are popularizing their research

As a researcher, it is important for you to increase the visibility of your work beyond the journal, so that more and more people know about you and your work. Wouldn’t it be great to know the various ways by which you could go about doing this?
Join Sharang Kolwalkar, experienced trainer and research communication professional, as he takes up one of the most trending topics of discussion in scholarly publishing – research popularization. Using interesting case studies, Sharang will show you the different ways by which academic institutions, organizations and publishers communicate their research widely through podcasts, blogs, news alerts, press releases, videos, and other multimedia formats. These case studies will help you understand the range of options you could explore to spread the word about your own work as well as give you some great ideas and tips for how you can go about increasing the visibility and popularity of your own research. Register here for the webinar.
Sharang Kolwalkar is a science geek and has been passionate about science since his college days. He has taken this passion along with his love for communication to a career in science communication. He has helped numerous non-native researchers communicate their science effectively by helping them get published. A BELS-certified editor, he has rich experience in training editors and equipping them with essential skills and expertise required to collaborate with other researchers globally. Sharang develops strategies for the media-based promotion of research published by researchers, universities, and publishers worldwide. A biotechnology expert, Sharang loves breaking science down for the general masses.
Register now by clicking on this link.
This content belongs to the Manuscript Writing Stage
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