Q: Is the title of my research topic right?

Detailed Question -

I am working on a proposal for my research project. I have chosen my topic already, but I don’t know whether it is right. The topic is ‘Assessment of nurse-midwives knowledge regarding the management of women with high risk of preterm labour.’

1 Answer to this question

It would not be fair or appropriate for us to say whether or not the title of your research topic is right. This is because we are not privy to your research and also because your research project is meant to assess your understanding of research, including how to best communicate that research, such as through a title, an abstract, and so on. However, we can offer some suggestions, as below.

  • Especially as this is a proposal, you can have a working title for now. Once you have drafted your proposal, you will be clearer about what exactly you want to study, and would therefore be able to come up with a more precise title.
  • Titles are crucial as they are among the few elements of a paper that are made freely available to readers. So, titles should be concise and attractive. Additionally, they should not include jargon or unfamiliar words. (Here, you will need to decide whether or not you should use the abbreviation ‘CNMs’ for ‘certified nurses-midwives.’) Also, as a sub-title, you may include the kind of study this would be. You will find more information for all these pointers in the below resources:
  • Finally, you would also need to check whether various elements of style – such as language, grammar, syntax, and punctuation – are accurate. For instance, in the title you have provided, there will need to be a possessive apostrophe after ‘midwives’ (that is, nurse-midwives’). Going on, you may need to decide whether ‘care’ would be a better term than ‘management’ in this case. So too whether ‘chances’ or ‘likelihood’ would be more apt than ‘risk’ in this scenario.

Hope that helps. You may also find this handbook useful: How and how not to title your research paper

All the best for your proposal and research!