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Scientific writing often uses a few Latin phrases, either abbreviated (etc. for et cetera and et al. for et alii) or spelt out (in vitro, in vivo, in situ). Should they…
Latin phrases in scientific writing: italics or not
As an author looking to get published in reputed international journals, you’re probably familiar with the cumbersome task of following the journal’s author guidelines…
The Editage formatting service
The impact factor is one of the most discussed topics in the publishing and scientific community. Thomson Reuters assigns most journals a yearly impact factor (IF),…
The advance and decline of the impact factor
Without doubt, all eyes in the academic publishing industry are on the Asia-pacific region now. And this is not surprising, as over the last few years, this region has…
Japan’s changing position in global science
Studying English grammar will probably help you eliminate many common errors of grammar from your writing—but it is unlikely that, as a researcher, you will actually…
Available here is the published report on the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scholarly Publishing. Find out more about the trending topics at this scholarly…
Meeting report on the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scholarly Publishing
After Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Biology, Lavanya Rajgopalan obtained a Ph.D. in Biophysics/Biochemistry in 2005, and proceeded to post-doctoral training and a…
"My goal is to make sure your manuscript is ready to go!"
Meet Sunaina Singh, PhD holder, published author, and passionate communicator. After her graduation in crop science from Punjab Agricultural University, India, Sunaina…
"I feel privileged to be privy to your unpublished cutting-edge research."
Shivanee Shah comes from a family of medical doctors. As such, the natural career course was to choose the science/biology field. However, Shivanee broke the tradition…
"We are here to help you through the publication process."
Dr. Anne Altor has over 13 years of experience in academic writing/editing. She received her BS (2003) in Environmental and Forest Biology from the College of…