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This is an excerpt from an article by a researcher who had an interesting and humbling cultural experience while pursuing her postdoctorate in a native English--speaking…
Analyzing time-to-event data is crucial in understanding the progression and outcomes of diseases, treatment effectiveness, and more. Here are some important…
This blogpost explains in detail what Bayesian statistics is, what is its use in survival analysis, and pros and cons of using different bayesian models.
This blogpost covers things you might want to consider if you want to be involved in SDG research, and provides resources that offer a wealth of information, data, and…
To ensure the validity and reliability of your findings, it's essential to take specific precautions during statistical analysis. This blogpost lists 10 key precautions…
This blogpost explains some key considerations for analyzing clustered data, along with common approaches and their advantages and disadvantages.
As an early career researcher, you may be wondering about the costs of publishing your work in academic journals and how to fund them. What is APC? Why do journals…
The publication process involves many stakeholders, so delays are inevitable. In this post, we discuss some common bottlenecks that can slow the publication process, and…
In this blog post, we will explore practical tips and strategies tailored specifically for mid-career researchers in life sciences to maximize the impact of their work…
Despite some obvious ethical concerns, AI has significant benefits in improving research quality and time if used with caution. This blogpost talks about it at length.