Genetics research: using the LASSO penalized regression method

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Genetics research: using the LASSO penalized regression method

In genetics and genomics research, regression methods are frequently used to identify significant genetic markers, understand genetic contributions, and predict outcomes based on genetic information. One popular regression technique used in this field is penalized regression. Here, a penalty term is added to the traditional regression model. Penalized regression discourages overly complex models by penalizing large coefficients, helping to prevent overfitting and prioritize simpler, more interpretable solutions.

Lasso (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) penalized regression has become a popular tool in the field of genetics research. This statistical method is widely employed to sift through vast datasets, identifying relevant genetic markers and unraveling the complex relationships between genes and traits. In this blogpost, we'll explore the fundamentals of Lasso regression, its application in genetics, its variants, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with its use.

Understanding Lasso Penalized Regression

Lasso regression is a linear regression technique that incorporates a penalty term based on the absolute values of the regression coefficients. This penalty encourages sparsity in the model, effectively setting some coefficients to zero. This unique feature makes Lasso particularly useful in genetics research, where the goal is often to identify a small subset of genes associated with a specific trait or disease among a large pool of potential candidates.

Application in Genetics Research

In genetics, researchers deal with high-dimensional datasets, where the number of variables (genes) far exceeds the number of observations. Lasso regression helps address the "p >> n" problem by automatically selecting a subset of relevant genes and promoting a more interpretable and parsimonious model. This is crucial in identifying genetic markers associated with diseases, traits, or other biological phenomena. See, for example, how Frost and Amos (2017) used Lasso penalized regression in gene set testing, or how Chidambaran et al. (2021) used Lasso penalized regression to identify genetic variants associated with chronic postsurgical pain.

Advantages of Lasso Penalized Regression in Genetics

  1. Variable Selection: Lasso's ability to set some coefficients to zero facilitates automatic variable selection, aiding researchers in identifying the most influential genetic markers.
  2. Interpretability: The sparsity induced by Lasso results in simpler, more interpretable models, making it easier for researchers to understand and communicate their findings.
  3. Handling Multicollinearity: Lasso can effectively handle multicollinearity, a common issue in genetics research where genes may be correlated. It selects one gene from a group of correlated genes, avoiding redundancy in the model.

Disadvantages of Lasso Penalized Regression in Genetics

  1. Over-Shrinkage: Lasso tends to over-shrink coefficients, potentially leading to biased estimates, especially when dealing with small sample sizes.
  2. Model Instability: Lasso may exhibit instability when faced with highly correlated predictors, as it tends to arbitrarily select one variable over another.
  3. Assumption of Linearity: Like traditional regression, Lasso assumes a linear relationship between the selected variables and the outcome, which might not always hold true in genetics.

Variants of Lasso Regression

Now, let’s look at how traditional Lasso regression can be improved upon and modified for specific situations. Joint Lasso and Adaptive Lasso are variations of Lasso penalized regression that address specific challenges or introduce additional flexibility in model selection.

Joint Lasso:

Joint Lasso, also known as group Lasso, extends the traditional Lasso regularization to handle groups or blocks of variables simultaneously. It encourages sparsity not only within individual variables but also across entire groups of related variables.

Application: In scenarios where variables exhibit natural groupings, such as genes belonging to the same biological pathway or pixels in an image, Joint Lasso helps maintain coherence within these groups during variable selection.

Advantages: Improved interpretability and better handling of group-structured data compared to standard Lasso, as it considers relationships between variables.

Adaptive Lasso:

Adaptive Lasso introduces adaptivity in the penalty term by assigning different weights to each variable based on their estimated coefficients from a preliminary model. Variables with larger estimated coefficients receive smaller penalties, while variables with smaller coefficients receive larger penalties.

Application: Adaptive Lasso is particularly useful when dealing with datasets where some variables have stronger effects on the outcome than others. It adapts to the underlying structure of the data, emphasizing more influential variables during the regularization process.

Advantages: Improved variable selection performance, especially in situations where some predictors have larger true coefficients. It helps mitigate the over-shrinkage issue faced by standard Lasso.

Both Joint Lasso and Adaptive Lasso offer refinements to the traditional Lasso approach, providing more nuanced ways to handle specific characteristics of data or improve model interpretability.


Lasso penalized regression has proven to be a valuable asset in genetics research, aiding researchers in the identification of key genetic markers. By understanding its advantages, disadvantages, and taking necessary precautions, scientists can harness the power of Lasso regression and its variants to unravel the mysteries encoded in our genes.

Ready to harness the power of sophisticated statistical techniques in your genetics research? Collaborate with a seasoned biostatistician, under Editage’s Statistical Analysis & Review Services.

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Published on: Feb 23, 2024

An editor at heart and perfectionist by disposition, providing solutions for journals, publishers, and universities in areas like alt-text writing and publication consultancy.
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