Partners in life and science: 5 Married couples who have won the Nobel Prize

For a researcher to be chosen as a Nobel Prize recipient is a rare honor in itself. The Nobel Prize is specifically awarded to researchers who have made outstanding discoveries or done exceptional work in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Economic Sciences, and Peace. It is even more rare for a group or a duo of researchers who are related, either through family lineage or by marriage, to acquire the Nobel Prize. To date, there have been only five married couples wherein both partners are Nobel Laureates. This infographic lists all five couples in ascending order of the year in which they were awarded the Nobel Prize, their prize-winning discovery, as well as a fun fact about the Nobel Prize-Awarded Couple.
Feel free to download a PDF version of this infographic and print it out as handy reference.
- "Nobel Prize-Awarded Couples". Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 2 Oct 2017.
- Marie and Pierre Curie and the Discovery of Polonium and Radium". Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 3 Oct 2017.
- All images used within the infographic have been retrieved from
5 Married couples who have won Nobel Prizes_3_0.pdf
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