Q: How to present a paper at an academic conference?

Detailed Question -

What are the steps to be followed in presenting a research paper?

1 Answer to this question

Your question was not quite clear. I have edited the question title assuming that you want to know about presenting a research paper at an academic conference.

Presenting at an academic conference is an exciting opportunity. There are quite a few things that you need to keep in mind before making a presentation:

  • First of all, prepare an abstract of your paper such that it points out why your paper would be interesting to the readers and why it should be selected for the conference.
  • Once your abstract is accepted, you can begin working on your presentation. Make sure your presentation slides contain more pictures and other visual elements and less text.
  • While preparing your notes for the presentation, keep in mind the time limit allotted. Practice your presentation before a friend or a mirror.
  • Also, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the conference room and test out the technology you wish to use before the actual presentation.
  • While presenting, bring out the key points of your presentation, but make sure you adhere to the allotted time limit.
  • At the end of your presentation, you must allow some time to answer questions that the audience may have.
  • It’s a good practice to hand out business cards to people who might be interested in getting in touch with you later.   

All the best for your presentation!

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