Q: Should I transfer my manuscript as suggested by the journal editor?

Detailed Question -

 I submitted my manuscript to a renowned journal (Impact factor is 5 to 6). Three days after submission, the Editor-in-chief informed me that my manuscript was rejected and suggested that I transfer it to an open access journal under the same publisher. According to the Editor-in-chief, the rejection rate of this journal at the initial screening stage is 50 to 60%. This open access journal was started in 2017, and 200 articles have been published in PubMed over 1.5 years. The journal to which I initially submitted, publishes 600 to 800 articles per year. Should I transfer my manuscript to this open access journal, or should I choose another journal?

The quality of the published articles in this open access journal does not seem to be bad.

During the 3 days from the first submission to the rejection, it seems that the Editor checked my manuscript 5 times or so, since the viewing time was updated several times with the status “with editor.” I assume the transfer might be recommended due to any special reason. But as the rejection was decided in only 3 days, I'm wondering if all the rejected manuscripts are suggested for transfer?

1 Answer to this question

Rejection at initial editorial screening can happen either because of scope mismatch or because the manuscript does not meet the required quality & standard of the manuscript and therefore does not have higher priority in the journal.

In your case, the Editor-in-chief might have suggested the open access journal maybe because your paper would be better suited there and might have a chance of a positive peer review. But please be aware that transferring the manuscript does not guarantee publication. The manuscript would anyway undergo a round of peer-review and the decision to revise & resubmit, rejection or acceptance will depend up on the reviewer’s comments and final editorial discretion.

Also, please do not forget to check the indexation of the open-access journal suggested by the editor-in-chief. Ensure that the indexation meets the requirements of your university/institution. Read and understand the aims/scope of the open-access journal to make sure your manuscript falls within the scope of the journal. Adhere to the structure of the manuscript as mentioned on the guidelines of this journal; do see the open access charges to know if you would like to pay the stipulated fee. Kindly take into consideration these factors before transferring your manuscript.

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