"The best papers don't try to tackle too many issues at once; they choose to simplify the findings."

Can you describe your career in short? How did you decide to become a professional editor?
I worked in a leading financial and global development institution for many years. I was an Assistant Editor for the in-house publications department at the World Bank. We published many economic and development-oriented works by leading economists and sector specialists, and it was fascinating to work with industry experts from all corners of the globe. After studying for an MBA in marketing, I relocated with my family to Pennsylvania and decided to work as an independent writer and editor. I love reading new research and learning of developments with respect to business, economics, marketing, and human resources. To be able to contribute in my capacity as an editor is icing on the cake.
Tell us about your specialized subject of interest. What new developments are you eagerly following and believe are especially significant to the progress of your field?
The business world is constantly changing. I specialize in business, marketing, human resources, organizational issues, and leadership. Information technology is a fascinating field that affects every industry and is at the forefront of global societal change. For example, social media has changed news reporting of global events, and the recruitment industry relies on social media for many processes. Similarly, the advent of big data is a development constantly discussed in terms of data collection, storage, privacy issues, and how to manage information. These are all evolving issues.
You are part of the Business and Finance Center of Excellence at Editage, CACTUS. How does this association with an area of specialization influence your approach towards editing? What do you like most about this area of study?
As far as editing is concerned, any material based on new research piques my curiosity. I try to ensure that another reader will understand the paper and will not need to ask the same questions that I am asking to benefit from the knowledge presented. While I am learning from the authors also, I try my best to help them develop a better, more focused paper that delivers the knowledge and main points successfully.
Is there anything specific you do to provide high-quality edits across various manuscripts?
I read the paper and analyze it from my own perspective. I try to discern what the author is trying to say and maintain that message. Any questions that I may have, another reader may also have, so I try to encourage the author to address those items. I strive to be consistent and to improve the readability of the paper so that it appeals to as wide an audience as possible. Business and finance-related subjects are applicable to many sectors and industries.
As an editor, how do you define a good English paper? Do you have any advice for authors on how to improve their writing skills?
I consider a good English paper to be one that explains points succinctly and clearly. Wordiness is a common problem. My advice is to write a sentence or two that makes a point, then try to cut the words down by half. It can usually be done; there are often unnecessary sentences that can be eliminated. Also, the best papers don’t try to tackle too many issues at once; they choose to simplify the findings and the implications.
What advice would you give to editors on how to sustain their interest in editing and provide the client with high-quality work?
You have to pick a subject area that interests you. As an editor, I consider that I am learning so much from the authors when I edit their papers, which is motivating. It is gratifying to know that I am contributing to knowledge and research by editing the papers and, hopefully, improving them. That provides the incentive to maintain high-quality work. I have often received a raw paper for edit that is not easy to read or understand. Once edited, that same paper is a fascinating piece of research that many can benefit from, and I am full of admiration for the authors.
Please tell us more about yourself; what are your hobbies or activities you enjoy when you are not working?
I am an avid runner. I like to think and sort out my own problems when running, or I listen to music. I enjoy family gatherings and discussing topical issues such as politics, and how the Generation Xers of the family are faring in today’s economy. I like to visit my home country, the UK, as often as I can.
A few words for our clients…
New research is very important, and I am honored to be a part of education, business, and progress. A new piece of research is a team effort: it requires an idea, the research, and editing. This final step is necessary to present the information in the best possible way to ensure a wide readership and knowledge dissemination.
Published on: May 08, 2014
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