Q: What is the best way to write a problem statement on disability and employment?
A problem statement describes the gap you are seeking to explore in your study and how your study will address the gap. To write, or arrive, at a problem statement, you need to focus on a specific research problem in the broader research area. So, while your broader research areas are disability and employment, you will need to narrow down to something more focused such as employment avenues for the disabled (or ‘differently abled’, to address issues of sensitivity), employment challenges for the disabled, challenges for the disabled at the workplace, or such. Note that these are only pointers and that you will need to work on something that suits the purpose of your study.
What will especially help you arrive at a relevant problem is doing a thorough literature review. A comprehensive literature review will throw light on existing studies and knowledge, reveal gaps, and provide directions for new research.
For more help, you may refer to the following resources:
This content belongs to the Conducting Research Stage