Q: What should be included as references in my paper?

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My question is about a paper that I am writing in the field of physics.  In my manuscript, I have made a refrence to some physical phenomena mentioned in the textbook of junior high school or high school. In such case, should I cite the textbook? And should I search for the paper of the past researchers and give the references at the end as a list?

1 Answer to this question

The general rule about citations and references is that you should cite every source that you have used. However, if you are referring to basic concepts that are regarded as common knowledge in the field, you need not cite the course. For example, if you are using Newton's law, you need not cite your high school textbook as this is basic knowledge that everybody in the field of physics will have. But if you are referring to the way Newton's law was explained in your high school textbook and there is something specific or unique to that explanation that you wish to highlight, you should cite the source.

Regarding your second question, you should conduct a search of all the past works related to your topic (literature search) and write a brief literature review as part of the introduction. you should cite all these works and include a numbered reference list at the end mentioning all the sources you have used.

Related reading:

Tips for effective literature searching and keeping up with new publications

The complete guide to writing a brilliant research paper