Q: What would be the practice gaps and the literature gaps for my topic?

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My topic is: The impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers' anxiety and depression in Ghana.

1 Answer to this question

Practice gaps are the gaps on ground, that is, in reality, and literature gaps are the gaps in existing studies. To undertake a research and eventually to write a research paper, you need to identify both. First, you need to identify the practice gap(s) – what is missing/what could be better in the real-world situation (in this case, what is lacking that is causing the anxiety and depression) – and then look up relevant studies to identify what has not been studied or covered that you could possibly explore. This then would form the basis of your research.

For more help with the various points discussed or touched upon above, you may refer to these resources:

Hope that helps. All the best for your research/paper!