Q: Which kind of concept papers are similar in style and format?
Your question isn’t completely clear, specifically, the part about ‘kind of paper.’ As a concept paper is more like an outline paper, the style and format isn’t really of great significance to the paper. What should matter is whether the paper does a good/great job of outlining the proposed research and whether therefore it receives the approval for proceeding with the research. Style and format may be of greater importance for the actual paper, and even more so when submitting to a scientific journal. That said, the ‘kind’ may vary or be similar according to the subject area. Also, it would seem that the papers for a particular university be of a similar ‘kind.’
Hope that helps. For more on the content of concept papers, you may refer to the following resources:
In case you’re writing a concept paper, all the best!
This content belongs to the Conducting Research Stage