Q: While writing a research paper, which section should I begin with?

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My research is almost done and I want to start writing the research paper now. However, I don't know where to begin. As a result, I find myself procrastinating every time I plan to start writing. Please help.

1 Answer to this question

While authors have different preferences about the order in which they would write a paper, many people find it difficult to begin writing with the introduction. The easiest way to write a paper is to begin with the Methods section. You know very well what experiments you have conducted or how you went about your research, so I’m sure you will find it much easier to describe these steps. Follow this with the Results and Discussion sections, and then write the Introduction. This order works for most people. Also, it would be helpful to create a rough outline of what you plan to put in each section before you start writing. Hopefully, this will work for you. 

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