
Impact factor

Impact factor, an index based on the frequency with which a journal's articles are cited in scientific publications, is the most widely used citation metric to evaluate the influence of published research and the prestige of researchers. However, the reliance on impact factor to assess a researcher’s worth has frequently been called into question. This enlightening series covers the buzz around the latest impact factor release, and delves deeper into interesting views such as: Why is it not enough to use the journal impact factor to evaluate research? What makes for good science? Can any other metrics replace impact factor? 

Part 01

This article delves a little deeper into the fallacies of the impact factor and points that you should consider when using it.

Part 03

The very words “Impact Factor” can send a shiver of fear through the spines of many journal editors as they contemplate the next number their journals will receive.…

Part 04

Traditional metrics for measuring scholarly impact, such as the impact factor of the journal, h-index, etc., are familiar to all researchers. But although still very…

Part 04
Meet Stacy Konkiel, Outreach & Engagement Manager at Altmetric, a company that tracks online activity relating to scholarly literature. Previously, Stacy was the Director of Marketing and…
Part 05

The much awaited Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® 2016 has been finally released. The JCR is the world’s most influential resource for evaluating peer-reviewed publications and the source…

Part 06

Since 2012, scholarly publishing has seen a boom in useful discussions about alternative metrics; science for the public; and measuring research impact in terms of how it touches and improves…

Part 07

Many people are of the opinion that the impact factor is the ultimate measure of a researcher's success and journal's prestige. What do academic publishing experts…