Q: What is the meaning of "Error: DOI not found" ?

Detailed Question -

My manuscript got accepted and published online. But when I press on the DOI link for this paper, I get a message saying "Error DOI not found." My question is, what are the reasons for this and is there a problem in the published paper? If there is a problem, how can I fix it?

1 Answer to this question

The DOI website provides detailed information about error messages. According to the information provided, it is possible that this error has occurred because the DOI mentioned in your published article is incorrect. You should check the article carefully and if there is a mistake, inform the journal editor and request them to correct it. Another possible reason is that you have copied the DOI incorrectly from the source. Check that the thread includes all the characters before and after the slash and that you have not included any extra punctuation marks. The third possible reason could be that the DOI has not been activated yet. To check this, you can check again at a later time, and if it still does not work, report the problem.

If you cannot identify the reason for the problem, and if the error persists, you can write to doi-help@doi.org.